Will Cardio Slow Your Gains?!

Will Cardio Slow Your Gains?!

Will performing too much cardio several times a week slow your gains?

I get asked asked this all the time and believe I am proof this is not true.

However, I prefer to not separate cardio and lifting into separate categories because they bring so much value when you do them together. So a lot of what I do is what I dub “cardio lifting.”

I love to lift heavy and get my cardio in, killing two birds with one stone!

Heart rate gets up, cardio is being worked, you're getting stronger, more muscle, leaner, and more muscular by doing this a the same time.

This has allowed me to train less and build muscle while losing fat and staying lean much easier. And how High Intensity Bodybuilding was created, Swole Program was Created, and many of my Zeus Ebooks as well.

Some other questions to ask yourself:
1) Are you having fun with your workouts?

2) Is what you are doing getting you the results you want, after you have done it for a few months at least?

3) Do you have someone to ask questions to who can help?

You can truly change yourself by just changing what you are doing. It won't happen right when you want it but I guarantee it will happen and you can definitely keep your gains by getting in cardio!

Nick Urankar

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