I Have Been Burnt Out Too!

I Have Been Burnt Out Too!

I can remember 2012-2014 waking up and was burnt out.  Not my body, that felt great.  It was my mind.

I just needed some time off.  Problem was I had a goal to make the Crossfit Games and knew I needed to work, and do a lot of it.

I would go into the gym (dragging) and it would take forever to get ready, get a workout in, put things away, reset and do it again….it was't fun to break myself down every day.

I just kept grinding and fight through each day for almost 2 years.

Have you ever felt like this?

A lot of times these are where people quit, wake up years later, and realize how far they are from those old goals.

What I learned was when I was training hard no one wanted to join me.  They would say:

“That is just to hard/crazy for me to do…Ill watch 😂!”

"No way I don't have time for that!”

Then, one day I asked a class if anyone wanted to jump in on an extra workout?  Everyone said "No!" they didn’t have time so I quickly said, “WAIT, it will be quick…all you need is just a bar”

Everyone, “huh?’

I grabbed a bar and  told people to get one too.  It would be a 7 minute workout, the first #justabar was born.

This was when I learned how great these were and everyone loved them!

This became my go to to increase my mood and get other people involved.  This made it fun when I was feeling burnt out.  I began grabbing a bar and just move through different movements, different rep schemed, different time frames, and everything began changing.

These became the new normal at my gyms and everyone was down because it didn’t matter your fitness, everyone could do it, and it was over quick and you were wondering what just happend with #justabar!

So here I am, finally releasing a book full of just a bar workouts to do with friends, quickly, as a warm up (though you’ll need some rest after), finishers, and great overall workouts that people have been asking me to make for years.

In a couple days you'll get an email with all the details and I would love for you to share it with anyone that these workouts could help.

Check out what people say about them…

“Time Effective”

“It seems easy, but believe me it’s not”

“You need just a bar, that’s what I like”

“Harder then I expected 😂, but very helpful”

“Simple and effective”

“I love the simplicity of it, just grab a bar and go”

“Dont have to repack weights after training”

“Intense and difficult, I have been using them as HIIT cardio.”

“Quick Pump, can repeat and work different muscle Groups.”

“Awesome way to get a great pump.”

“Simplicity! On a day with less motivation it is much easier to get started with just a bar."

Get the E-book NOW!

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