30-45 Minutes of Dumbbell and Bodyweight Training
*Warm Up Included in App as well as additional details
A) 4 Minutes as many reps as possible:
Shoulder/Military Press
*Using a set of Dumbbells you could do 15 in a row without stopping. If you want to gain muscle go heavier. Show more definition go a little lighter to do more reps
B) 4 Sets:
1 Minute Max reps DB Shrugs as heavy as you can go
-:30 Rest-
1 minute Max Lateral DB Raises light to moderate weight
-:30 Rest-
1 minute Max Front Shoulder Raises light to moderate weight
-:30 Rest-
1 minute Max Bent Reverse Delt Raises light to moderate weight
-30 Rest-
*This will get TOUGH, you can drop down the weight if you fail to keep going. Restart at the higher weight and drop down as you get more tired during the minute
C) 6 Minutes as many reps as possible:
15 DB Bench Press
5 Push Press
15 Hang Cleans / Hammer Curls
*use light dumbbells to keep moving
60 Minutes or less of CrossFit / Strength / Skill / Aerobic Training
*Warm Up Included in App as well as additional details
A) Strength/Skill:
16 Minute Every Minute on the Minute:
ODD Minute: 3 Rep Deadlift build up in weight starting at 40-50%
EVEN Minute: 5-10 Push Ups + 20-30 Double Under / 20-40 Single Unders
*Build up each set so you are at around 90-95% of your max by the end
B) Workout:
8 Rounds:
200 M Run
8 Deadlifts A) 205/135# B) 185/125 C) 135/95
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*Scale C2B to pull ups or jumping pull ups. can also sub run for 12 burpees
45-60 Minutes of my functional Bodybuilding training!
*Warm Up Included in App as well as additional details
A) 10 Min As many reps as possible:
5 Back Squats starting at 95/65
*Increase 10/5 pounds every 5 reps until time is up
**Advanced: Start 155/105# increase 20/10# every 5 reps Squat until time
B) 6 Sets: Goal is to hang on and keep moving
30 seconds max rep jumping lunges *Add weight if you want holding at your side
-:15 second rest-
30 seconds max reps Right Arm Dumbbell hang snatch
-:15 second rest-
30 seconds max rep Left Arm hang Snatch
-:15 second rest-
C) For Time:
70 hang cleans 95/65 pounds or curls 45/35 pounds empty bar
*Use weight you can do at least 20 with
**Every break perform 5 Dips + 5 Strict C2B Pull Up assisted if necessary, you can scale to 5 push ups and 5 strict press with light dumbbells
To join all you need to do is:
1) Try a program
2) Download the app from the email
3) Start training!
My goal in creating training plans is to have a way to get you the results you want. Whether being able to reach out for questions or have a way to transform your body through your training I want to help you get the results you want and feel like an even better athlete!