How to get stronger in less time!

Some things just don't make sense.  And I had a lot of people shocked by this, so I figured I would explain it.  
I am going to go into detail on the why the DadFit 100 and Strong 100programs have been such a game changer—not just for me, but for everyone following along.
Here’s the truth:
We all tend to believe that more is better. More workouts, more sets, more time in the gym. But that’s not always the case. Over the past two months, I’ve been doing nothing but the Strong 100 and DadFit 100 workouts. 
These workouts are short—we’re talking high volume but packed into sessions that don’t take forever. But let me tell you, they are effective.
I’ve created these programs with the goal of giving you a lot of work in a short period of time, while building on a progressive plan. It’s not just about cramming a bunch of exercises into your day; it’s about being smart and intentional with your time and effort.
What’s amazing?
My wife recently started following the program, and after we finished one of the workouts, she looked at me and said, “Should I be doing more? This felt too quick!” I get it—she’s used to the same mindset most of us have: longer workouts must mean better results. But fast forward a couple of days, and she’s telling me, “Oh my gosh, I am SO sore! This is crazy.”

That soreness? That’s your body adapting, telling you that you’re doing something new, something it’s not used to. You’re developing, improving, and growing stronger. And that’s the whole point of these programs: keeping your body guessing, pushing you in just the right way, without demanding hours from your day.
Simple, Effective, and Progressive
The beauty of these programs is their simplicity. You don’t need to stress about whether you’ll have time, whether you’ll understand the workout, or whether you’ll need more info. 
Everything is laid out for you: each day, you’ll get demos on exactly how I’m doing it so you can follow along. It’s as simple as showing up and putting in the work. That’s how you grow.
Why Does It Matter?
Look, I know that workout programs are everywhere. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you need to be doing all the things at once. But this program works because it’s built for people like you—people who want real results without spending hours in the gym or getting lost in complex routines.
If you want something that’s effective, builds real strength, and fits into your life, then I’d love to have you join us. Let’s keep it simple, make progress, and get stronger together. 💪 (Both Programs Included on Zeus Ulimited)
Ready to start?

[Click here to join DadFit/Strong 100 today!]
Looking forward to seeing you crush these workouts!
Nick Urankar
Founder, Zeus Method
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1 comment

I intend to get this program.

Matthew Simpson

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